The complete financial platform to simplify and boost your business

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Simplifying Access to Financial Solutions

Contabull combines payment accounts, OTC as a Service, inbound/outbound currency exchange, and payment gateway in a single platform.

We provide technology and efficiency to drive businesses worldwide.

ilustração mapa mundi

The best experience with our financial technology resources

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Digital Payment Account for Businesses

Manage your transactions and PIX key with ease and autonomy, hassle-free.

contabull - illustration for pix transaction

OTC as a Service (IN 1,888/19)

Compliance and efficiency in cryptocurrency trading operations in Brazil. All Contabull partners responsible for this service comply with the Central Bank of Brazil’s Normative Instruction 1,888/19, ensuring adherence to current regulations.

contabull - illustration for payment link

And new features coming out soon...

Open Account for free
flexible use cases

Supported industries

Affiliate Marketing
Digital Marketing
Education Services
Money Transfers
Online Food Delivery
Asset Management
Commodities Trading
Consumer Credit Reporting Agency
Crypto Exchange
contabull - illustration mockup of the platform

Integrate with your tools, easily

coming soon

Make it easy to receive and send customers with our advanced and intuitive APIs

We simplify the payments scenario on a single platform, allowing your team to focus on what's most important.

postman contabull

Pricing for businesses of all sizes

Transparent pricing all the way.

Digital payment account opening: Free

Cash in: 0,5%

Foreign currency exchange: 1.2% + IOF

Interested in buying stablecoins? Request a personalized quote.

Get quote

The finance of your business on your control

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